
Warehousing Plugin

Customize warehousing


You can define a custom Warehousing adapter to simulate the stock availability. In order to define a warehousing adapter you should implement the IWarehousingAdapter and register it to the global warehousing director that implements the IWarehousingDirector interface.

A store can have multiple Warehousing adapters configured and all of them are executed ordered by there orderIndex value. Warehousing adapters with lower orderIndex are executed first.

Below is a simple warehousing adapter implementation that will always show a stock is always available for all products.

import { WarehousingAdapter, WarehousingProviderType } from '@unchainedshop/core-warehousing';
import {
} from '@unchainedshop/types/warehousing';
import { Context } from '@unchainedshop/types/api';

const Store: IWarehousingAdapter = {
  key: 'shop.unchained.warehousing.store',
  version: '1.0',
  label: 'Store',
  orderIndex: 0,
  initialConfiguration = [{ key: 'name', value: 'Flagship Store' }],

  typeSupported: (type: WarehousingProviderType): boolean => {
    return type === WarehousingProviderType.PHYSICAL;

  actions: (
    config: WarehousingConfiguration,
    context: WarehousingContext & Context,
  ): WarehousingAdapterActions => {
    return {
      isActive: async (): boolean => {
        return true;

      configurationError: async (): WarehousingError => {
        return null;

      stock: async (referenceDate: Date): Promise<number> => {
        return 99999;

      productionTime: async (quantityToProduce: number): Promise<number> => {
        return 0;

      commissioningTime: async (quantity: number): Promise<number> => {
        return 0;
  • typeSupported(type: WarehousingProviderType): Defines the warehousing provider type an adapter is valid for.
  • isActive: Defines if the adapter is valid or not based any conditions you set.
  • configurationError(): WarehousingError: Any error that occurred during the initialization of an adapter. it can be a missing env or any value missing for a proper functioning of the adapter.
  • stock(referenceDate: Date): It should return the available stock of a product for the provided reference date. in the example above we are simply returning 99999 as stock count.
  • productionTime(quantityToProduct: number): Returns an estimate to produce number of product passed as an argument.
  • commissioningTime(quantity: number): number of days required to product a quantity passed as an argument

Register warehousing adapter

import { WarehousingDirector } from '@unchainedshop/core-warehousing';

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