
Introduction to Unchained Engine


Unchained Engine is an open-source API-first e-commerce framework that lets you build your own custom shopping experiences


Unchained Engine provides:

  • Codeability, so you can tweak the system with endless possibilities not restricted by "customization" or a settings-approach
  • GraphQL API, allowing you to build fast, performant and modern storefronts
  • Stateless architecture, allowing you to scale horizontally and vertically
  • Production readiness, due the fact that the host company uses the Unchained Engine for medium- to big enterprise web shops (Dogfooding)

Solution Overview

The following diagram shows all applications and services provided by Unchained as open-source software for you to easily setup your first eCommerce store in a few minutes.


As you can see the Unchained Engine ecosystem consists of

  • the Engine itself as server-side only GraphQL API included in an Node app to serve all functionality to manage the store *
  • the Control Panel which provides a UI to manage the store's users, products, orders and more as Next.js app *
  • the storefront boilerplate web app which provides a customizable UI for the public store itself as Next.js project

* The Unchained Engine and the Control Panel are part of Unchained's hosted service. The Getting Started chapter helps you setup a eCommerce solution using the hosted engine service.

Ready to try it out?

Let's go. Choose what you want to do first and we guide you trough the Unchained Engine setup

I want to have my eCommerce store online in 15min!

Quick start tutorial to guide you through the steps to launch our storefront web app online with its own Unchained Engine setup.
Launch store 🚀
Launch store 🚀

I want to start the engine locally

Getting started tutorial for developers to setup your local environment with an Unchained Engine and our store front-end (storefront) ready for you to use and customize.
Start engine 🏎
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