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This tutorial walks you through installing and configuring Unchained Engine. If you're just getting started with GraphQL or Node.js this will be too hard to follow

This tutorial helps you:

  • Obtain a basic understanding of the architecture
  • Bootstrap a basic unchained backed project
  • Write a pricing plugin
  • Deploy an Unchained engine backed the project

This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the command line and JavaScript, and that you have a recent version of Node.js 22+ installed.

Building custom unchained engine

Extending an Unchained engine is simple as adding a plugin that is easier to understand and implement. to make it even easier we have created a bare bone Unchained template you can use as a starting point.

in this section, we will walk through the steps required to start up a custom Unchained engine locally and connecting it to a storefront to perform the task.

Step 1: Create a new project

  1. Initialize a new Unchained project with npm (or another package manager you prefer, such as Yarn):
mkdir your-awesome-ecommerce-project
cd your-awesome-ecommerce-project

npm init @unchainedshop

npm run install

The above command will pull a boilerplate Unchained engine instance and a storefront that connects with it out of the box in your local environment.

Your project directory now contains the following services:

  • engine: Contains a boilerplate Unchained engine
  • storefront: Contains a Next. js-based Web App that connects to Unchained.

before you can run the instance locally there are few environment variables you need to set for each service.

create a .env file under the root directory of both engine and storefront then add the following value accordingly.

For the engine environment even though there are many environment variables you can set which we will describe later, the following is the required one.


Next under the root directory of storefront create a .env file and add the following environment variable.


Not you can customize the above value once you get accustomed to the inner working of unchained.

Finally, the only thing remaining is firing up unchained sees its work in action. to do so go to the projects root directory and run

npm run dev

Now you have a fully running Unchained E-Commerce environment running locally. Check it out by browsing to the following URLs:

Step 2: Write a custom pricing plugin

Next, we will add a new file to the project and name it engine/sausage.js:

import { ProductPricingDirector, ProductPricingAdapter } from '@unchainedshop/core-pricing'

const PRODUCT_TAG_SAUSAGE = 'sausage'

class WeatherDependentBarbequeSausagePricing extends ProductPricingAdapter {
static key = 'shop.unchained.wd-bbq-sausage-pricing'
static version = '1.0'
static label = 'Calculate the price of a sausage 🌭🌦'
static orderIndex = 3

static isActivatedFor({ product }) {
if (product.tags && product.tags.length > 0 && product.tags.indexOf(PRODUCT_TAG_SAUSAGE) !== -1) {
return true
return false

async calculate() {
const { currency, quantity } = this.context
try {
const response = await fetch(
headers: {
'x-rapidapi-key': '2a849e288dmsh59370f28a9102f6p1c881cjsn28010ce8ff58',
'x-rapidapi-host': '',
useQueryString: true,
if (response.status === 200) {
const { main } = await response.json()
const { temp } = main
if (temp) {
console.log('🌭 -> High season, sausage pricy!!') // eslint-disable-line
amount: 100 * quantity,
isTaxable: true,
isNetPrice: true,
meta: { adapter: this.constructor.key },
} catch (e) {
console.error(`🌭 -> Failed while trying to price weather dependent ${e.message}`) // eslint-disable-line

return super.calculate()


When you read through the code you can anticipate the domain logic: All products that have the tag "sausage" will get 1 CHF more expensive when a certain temperature threshold has been reached at a specific location.

Now let's load that plugin in engine/boot.js

import "./sausage";

Build the Storefront

Step 3: Create a new product

Now open the admin UI and add a new product, tag it with "sausage", set a price, and publish it. As always you can use GraphQL mutations to do that:

mutation {
createProduct(product: { type: "SimpleProduct", title: "Cervelat", tags: "sausage" }) {
mutation {
productId: "dKn2dvfqjiiJ6DbJA"
commerce: { pricing: [{ currencyCode: "CHF", countryCode: "CH", amount: 200 }] }
) {
... on SimpleProduct {
simulatedPrice {
price {
publishProduct(productId: "dKn2dvfqjiiJ6DbJA") {

The simulatedPrice is now being affected by the pricing plugin, try it by changing the temperature threshold variable in sausage.js

Step 4: Test Cart Checkout

Use the following GraphQL queries/mutations to do your first checkout.

You can browse to http://localhost:4010/graphql to bring up the GraphQL Playground.

To initiate a cart/basket, you need to be logged in. You can log in as a guest with a simple call:

mutation loginAsGuest {
loginAsGuest {

Then set the authorization header in GraphQL Playground for all upcoming operations:

"Authorization": "Bearer HERE_GOES_THE_TOKEN_FROM_ABOVE"

Get the list of products:

query products {
products {
texts {
... on SimpleProduct {
simulatedPrice(quantity: 2) {
price {

Add the product that you've found to the cart.

mutation addCartProduct {
addCartProduct(productId: "A9e2kCJfcF9QZF4o9", quantity: 1) {
order {
items {

Tell Unchained more about the guy who orders:

mutation updateContact {
updateCart(contact: { emailAddress: "hello@unchained.local" }, billingAddress: {firstName: "Pascal", addressLine: "Haha", postalCode: "5556", city: "somewhere"}) {

Set order payment provider (optional):

mutation SetOrderPaymentProvider{
orderId: "ORDERID",
paymentProviderId: "PROVIDER_ID"

Set order delivery provider (optional):

mutation SetOrderDeliverProvider {
orderId: "ORDERID",
deliveryProviderId: "PROVIDER_ID"

Checkout the cart:

mutation checkoutCart {
checkoutCart {

If everything went well, the e-mail debugs window will pop up presenting you with a simple order confirmation.

The exact configuration will differ from this template, as we encourage you to use a reverse proxy like traefik or Nginx for SSL termination and a replicated MongoDB with one daemon running in the same datacenter like an Unchained engine (low latency).

for more mutation and query options available refer to the GraphQL Playground