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Cart Behavior

In Unchained, you can add products and quotations to carts, but only products will remain in the cart in the end. When adding products to the cart, they are transformed according to the following rules:


  • Adding a SimpleProduct or BundleProduct adds the product to the cart without transformation.
  • Exploding a BundleProduct removes it from the cart and adds its parts instead.
  • Adding a ConfigurableProduct resolves to a concrete product if enough variation parameters are provided. Otherwise, the operation fails. The variation configuration is stored on the resolved item along with user-provided parameters.

When one product leads to another, the source productId is saved in orderPosition.originalProductId, maintaining a reference for UX purposes.

Quotations: When adding a Quotation to the cart, the actual product is resolved and added. The quotation plugin system transforms a quotationConfiguration into a productConfiguration, and the source quotationId is saved in orderPosition.originalProductId.

Chaining Operations:

  1. addCartQuotation is called with quotation Y.
  2. Quotation Y resolves to configurable product X with a specific configuration.
  3. The configuration is handed to the vector logic to find a distinct concrete product Z.
  4. Bundle product Z is resolved.

The cart then looks like this: 1 x Bundle Z (e.g., a piece of furniture)