Configure the Assortments Module
- setCachedProductIds:
- getCachedProductIds:
- zipTree: the default function build the tree in one direction.
- slugify: here the engine cleans the slug
Control the zip function to derive a flat sorted array of products out of an assortment tree:
import zipTreeBySimplyFlattening from "@unchainedshop/core-assortments/tree-zipper/zipTreeBySimplyFlattening"
const options = {
modules: {
assortments: {
zipTree: zipTreeBySimplyFlattening
Monkey patching the slugification
You can override the default slugify function like that:
import { AssortmentTexts } from '@unchainedshop/core-products';
const oldMakeSlug = AssortmentTexts.makeSlug;
AssortmentTexts.makeSlug = rest =>
oldMakeSlug(rest, {
slugify: (title) => {
return 'fu';
For more on Order module read the [API]