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Delivery Providers


Customize delivery

title: "Delivery Providers" description: Customize delivery

In order to register available delivery options, you either have to use the builtin ones or have to add a plugin to the supported delivery provider by implementing the IDeliveryAdapter interface and registering the adapter on the global DeliveryDirector

There can be multiple delivery adapter implementation for a shop and all of them will be executed based on their orderIndex value. Delivery adapters with lowe orderIndex are executed first.

Below we have sample delivery adapter

import {
} from "@unchainedshop/core-delivery";

const ShopPickUp: IDeliveryAdapter = {
key: '',
label: 'Pickup at Clerk',
version: '1.0.0',
orderIndex: 1
initialConfiguration: (DeliveryConfiguration = []),

typeSupported: (type: DeliveryProviderType): boolean => {
return type === DeliveryProviderType.PICKUP;

actions: (config: DeliveryConfiguration, context: DeliveryAdapterContext, unchainedAPI: UnchainedCore): DeliveryAdapterActions => {
return {
isAutoReleaseAllowed(): boolean {
return false;

isActive(): boolean {
return true;

configurationError(transactionContext?: any): DeliveryError {
return null;

pickUpLocationById(locationId: string): Promise<DeliveryLocation> {
return this.pickUpLocations().filter(({ _id }) => _id === locationId);

estimatedDeliveryThroughput: (warehousingThroughputTime: number) : Promise<number> => {
return 0;

pickUpLocations(): Promise<Array<DeliveryLocation>> {
return [
_id: 'first-location-id',
name: 'first-location',
address: {
addressLine: 'address-line',
postalCode: '1234',
countryCode: 'CH',
city: 'Zurich',
geoPoint: {
latitude: 123456789,
longitude: 987654321,
send: async (): Promise<boolean | Work> => {
const { modules, order } = context as typeof context;
await modules.worker.addWork(
retries: 0,
scheduled: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 1000 * (24 * 60 * 60)),
input: {
orderDeliveryId: order.deliveryId,

return false;
  • typeSupported(type: DeliveryProviderType): Defines which type of delivery providers this adapter support.
  • configurationError(transactionContext: any): DeliveryError: returns any issue found with the delivery adapter configuration. its passed current transaction object that lets you check if everything is working for proper functioning of the adapter.
  • estimatedDeliveryThroughput(warehousingThroughputTime: number): Used to send an estimation delivery time of the adapter.
  • isActive: Used to enable or disable the adapter.
  • isAutoReleaseAllowed: Determined if the delivery provider should change status automatically or if manual confirmation of delivery is required.
  • pickUpLocationById(locationId: string): DeliveryLocation: returns a delivery location with the specified ID from the list of locations returned from pickUpLocations.
  • pickUpLocations: DeliveryLocation[] returns list of delivery locations available with a particular delivery adapter
  • send: any: Determines the if an order is delivered or not. if this function returns a trueish value the order delivery status will be changed to DELIVERED, if it returns false order delivery status stays the same (PENDING) but the order status can be changed but if it throws an error the order will be canceled.