Order Discounts
::: Apply custom discount logic to orders :::
Order discount adapter is used to add different type of discounts your shop offers based on different input. in order to add order based discount to a shop you need to implement IDiscountAdapter and register to the global OrderDiscountDirector which implements the IDiscountDirector
Below is an example of IDiscountAdapter implementation that adds a discount for all order that have more than 2 products.
import { OrderDiscountDirector, OrderDiscountAdapter } from '@unchainedshop/core-orders';
import { ProductDiscountConfiguration } from '@unchainedshop/core-products/director/ProductDiscountConfiguration.js';
const ShopDiscount_TAG = 'ShopDiscount';
const ShopDiscount: IDiscountAdapter<ProductDiscountConfiguration> = {
key: 'ch.shop.discount.ShopDiscount',
label: 'Early Bird',
version: '1.0.0',
orderIndex: 1,
// return true if a discount is allowed to get added manually by a user
isManualAdditionAllowed: async (code) => {
return false;
// return true if a discount is allowed to get removed manually by a user
isManualRemovalAllowed: async () => {
return false;
actions: async ({
}) => {
return {
isValidForSystemTriggering: async () => {
return true;
isValidForCodeTriggering: async (params) => {
return false;
// returns the appropriate discount context for a calculation adapter
discountForPricingAdapterKey: ({
}) => {
if (pricingAdapterKey === 'shop.unchained.pricing.product-ShopDiscount') {
return [
tag: ShopDiscount_TAG,
] as any;
return null;
release: () => {},
reserve: (params): => {
return null;
- isManualAdditionAllowed(code: string): return true if the supplied discount code is applicable to an order manually and not system based (automated).
- isManualRemovalAllowed: return true if it's possible to remove the discount from an order manually.
- isValidForSystemTriggering return true if a discount is valid to be part of the order without input of a user. that could be a time based global discount like a 10% discount day if you return false, this discount will get removed from the order before any price calculation takes place.
- discountForPricingAdapterKey: implement this function if you want to apply a discount when an order is using a specific order pricing adapter. returns the appropriate discount context for a calculation adapter
- release: Return void, allows you to free up any reservations in backend systems
- reserve: Return an arbitrary JSON serializable object with reservation data this method is called when a discount is added through a manual code and let's you manually deduct expendable discounts (coupon balances for ex.) before checkout
- isValidForCodeTrigger: return true if a discount is valid to be part of the order. if you return false, this discount will get removed from the order before any price calculation takes place.
import {OrderDiscountDirecto} from '@unchainedshop/core-orders'
discountForPricingAdapterKey: ({ pricingAdapterKey }: {
pricingAdapterKey: string;
calculationSheet: IPricingSheet<PricingCalculation>): DiscountConfiguration => {
if (pricingAdapterKey === 'shop.unchained.artwork-discount') {
const minimumOrderValue = this.context.orderDiscount?.reservation
const currentPricingSheet = new OrderPricingSheet({
currency: this.context?.order.currency,
const maximumDiscountableAmount = currentPricingSheet.total(
if (maximumDiscountableAmount > minimumOrderValue) {
const { fixedRate, rate } =
this.context?.orderDiscount?.reservation?.promoCodeConfiguration ||
if (fixedRate) {
return { fixedRate };
return {
rate: rate || 0.0,