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Order Discounts


Apply custom discount logic to orders

Order discount adapter is used to add different type of discounts your shop offers based on different input. in order to add order based discount to a shop you need to implement IDiscountAdapter and register to the global OrderDiscountDirector which implements the IDiscountDirector

Below is an example of IDiscountAdapter implementation that adds a discount for all order that have more than 2 products.

import { OrderDiscountDirector, OrderDiscountAdapter } from '@unchainedshop/core-orders';
import { ProductDiscountConfiguration } from '@unchainedshop/core-products/director/ProductDiscountConfiguration.js';

const ShopDiscount_TAG = 'ShopDiscount';

const ShopDiscount: IDiscountAdapter<ProductDiscountConfiguration> = {

key: '',
label: 'Early Bird',
version: '1.0.0',
orderIndex: 1,

// return true if a discount is allowed to get added manually by a user
isManualAdditionAllowed: async (code) => {
return false;

// return true if a discount is allowed to get removed manually by a user
isManualRemovalAllowed: async () => {
return false;

actions: async ({
}) => {
return {
isValidForSystemTriggering: async () => {
return true;

isValidForCodeTriggering: async (params) => {
return false;

// returns the appropriate discount context for a calculation adapter
discountForPricingAdapterKey: ({
}) => {
if (pricingAdapterKey === 'shop.unchained.pricing.product-ShopDiscount') {
return [
tag: ShopDiscount_TAG,
] as any;
return null;
release: () => {},
reserve: (params): => {
return null;

  • isManualAdditionAllowed(code: string): return true if the supplied discount code is applicable to an order manually and not system based (automated).
  • isManualRemovalAllowed: return true if it's possible to remove the discount from an order manually.
  • isValidForSystemTriggering return true if a discount is valid to be part of the order without input of a user. that could be a time based global discount like a 10% discount day if you return false, this discount will get removed from the order before any price calculation takes place.
  • discountForPricingAdapterKey: implement this function if you want to apply a discount when an order is using a specific order pricing adapter. returns the appropriate discount context for a calculation adapter
  • release: Return void, allows you to free up any reservations in backend systems
  • reserve: Return an arbitrary JSON serializable object with reservation data this method is called when a discount is added through a manual code and let's you manually deduct expendable discounts (coupon balances for ex.) before checkout
  • isValidForCodeTrigger: return true if a discount is valid to be part of the order. if you return false, this discount will get removed from the order before any price calculation takes place.
import {OrderDiscountDirecto} from '@unchainedshop/core-orders'



discountForPricingAdapterKey: ({ pricingAdapterKey }: {
pricingAdapterKey: string;
calculationSheet: IPricingSheet<PricingCalculation>): DiscountConfiguration => {
if (pricingAdapterKey === 'shop.unchained.artwork-discount') {
const minimumOrderValue = this.context.orderDiscount?.reservation

const currentPricingSheet = new OrderPricingSheet({
currency: this.context?.order.currency,

const maximumDiscountableAmount =

if (maximumDiscountableAmount > minimumOrderValue) {
const { fixedRate, rate } =
this.context?.orderDiscount?.reservation?.promoCodeConfiguration ||
if (fixedRate) {
return { fixedRate };
return {
rate: rate || 0.0,