Customizing quotation
You can accept quotation requests for a shop items. For every quotation received you can setup a quotation adapter to process this request manually or automatically. In order to process quotation request you need to create a quotation adapter that implements the IQuotationAdapter and register the adapter on the global quotation director that implements the IQuotationDirector.
There can be multiple quotation adapters configured and active for a store and all of them will be executed for every quotation requests based on there orderIndex
value. Quotation adapters that have smaller orderIndex
value will be executed first.
Below is a sample manual quotation adapter implementation that will mark every quotation request as expired after an hour of request if no quote is given in between by a user that is managing quotation requests.
import { log, LogLevel } from '@unchainedshop/logger';
import { IQuotationAdapter } from '@unchainedshop/core-quotations';
import { QuotationError } from '@unchainedshop/core-quotations';
export const ManualOffering: IQuotationAdapter = {
key: 'shop.unchained.quotations.manual',
label: 'Manual quotation'
version: '1.0.0',
orderIndex: 1,
isActivatedFor: (quotationContext: QuotationContext, unchainedAPI: UnchainedCore): boolean => {
return false;
actions: (params: QuotationContext & Context): QuotationAdapterActions => {
return {
configurationError: (): QuotationError => {
return QuotationError.NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
isManualRequestVerificationRequired: async (): Promise<boolean> => {
return true;
isManualProposalRequired: async (): Promise<boolean> => {
return true;
quote: async (): Promise<QuotationProposal> => {
return {
expires: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 3600 * 1000),
rejectRequest: async (unchainedAPI?: any): Promise<boolean> => {
return true;
submitRequest: async (unchainedAPI?: any): Promise<boolean> => {
return true;
verifyRequest: async (unchainedAPI?: any): Promise<boolean> => {
return true;
transformItemConfiguration: async (params: QuotationItemConfiguration) => {
return { quantity: params.quantity, configuration: params.configuration };
log(message: string, { level = LogLevel.Debug, ...options } = {}) {
return log(message, { level, ...options });
- isActivatedFor: (quotationContext: QuotationContext, unchainedAPI: UnchainedCore): Determines for which type of quotation request an adapter is active for. it can be based on the actual quotation in question or any condition you can think of.
- configurationError: QuotationError: Returns any error that occurred while initializing the adapter. it can be missing environment variable or and other missing required values.
- isManualRequestVerificationRequired: defines if a quotation should be considered valid and ready for quote automatically or should be verified by someone manually.
- isManualProposalRequired Define if a user can respond to quotation request manually or not.
- quote: Responds with the actual quotation request.
- rejectRequest Will mark a quotation as rejected if returned to based on any condition check performed.
- submitRequest: Will approve a quotation request for processing if you return true from this function.
- verifyRequest It will mark the quotation as verified for a certain quotation if this function returns true.
- transformItemConfiguration(params: QuotationItemConfiguration): A quotation request is submitted as a
value and there is no predefined format of quotation request. use this function to transform the submittedJSON
from the front end into a structure that will be best to work with in an adapter.
Registering Quotation Adapter
import { QuotationDirector } from '@unchainedshop/core-quotations';