
Launch your Unchained Engine instance

This chapter explains how to launch your own Unchained Engine instance on our Unchained hosted service.


This tutorial will help you:

  • Set up a hosted Unchained Engine
  • Access the engine's Admin UI

Step 1: Sign-up for an Unchained account

In order to get a free cloud-hosted unchained instance, you need to sign up here.

Step 2: Create a new Instance

  1. After registration you will be redirected to the create organsation page. Create one by entering your organisation's name and click Save organisation.
  2. The Instances Overview page is shown. Click on Start a new engine to proceed. diagram
  3. Follow the steps, which prompt you to give your shop a name and set a email address to receive order confirmations.

    Outgoing mails send to your customers use per default the unchained mail server and look like this noreply@unchained.shop .
    However, there is the option to configure Advanced email settings which allow you to set your shop's sender email address using your SMTP mail server.
  4. If all went well you will see the Instance Overview page after a few seconds. diagram

Step 3: Verify engine

  1. Click on Open App in the Instance Overview page to navigate to the Admin UI under your engine's domain.
  2. The URL looks something like my-unchained-shop.unchained.rocks/sign-in
  3. You should see the login window of the Admin UI. DON'T TRY TO LOGIN YET, WE WILL GET TO THAT LATER diagram

Congratulations! 👏🏻 Your Unchained Engine is up and running!

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